7 reasons not to be sad on V-day
Hey sis,
We know your not sad because valentines day is quickly approaching & your #singleAF!
We've heard you don't want to get dressed up. You see no point in putting on lingerie if no one will see it, and most of all you don't even want to hit the streets and have some fun.
Well we understand the not wanting to go out part... its been really cold, covid numbers are just a mess and life has been hitting everyone hard and fast, but sissss we don't want you to be down just because times aren't the greatest right now.
Here are 7 reasons to be super excited about Valentines day no matter what your current situation is...…
1. You Are Absolutely Beautiful
There is no other lady like you. Every woman has that thing that makes her different and standout from the rest. Have you taken some time lately to explore some of your most unique talents & traits?
2. There is so much to do as a Single Woman
We don't know about you but being single has been so liberating for us. How many times can you think of when you've let yourself go dating that new person that put it on you so good it felt like the whole world stopped whenever they called you. Embrace the freedom singlehood brings. Your able to do whatever your little heart desires, so take this time to explore as much as you can!
3. You have friends that love you who are #singleAf too!
You are not alone. Call those friends you haven't linked with in a while. Check in chat and remember love is everywhere not just in our bedrooms.
4. You look Good Af... take some pictures.
You have a phone. Use it! Pull out that camera and get to the taking flicks. We know your a classy woman and you don't like sharing your sexy photos but that shouldn't stop you from taking them.
5. You can be your own motivation & life goals.
Ok maybe your body has changed and your confidence isn't the highest but sis have you noticed how amazing you feel whenever you accomplish the smallest of goals. Get Up take some pictures, and track your progress weekly. Be your own accountability partner and get to the motivating.
6. The City is Lit.... There is so much to do.
Eventbrite is the best site to check out local and virtual events available for you and or some friends to hit the town and let you'll hair down.
7. You deserve Happiness..
Happiness doesn't come form dating another person but rather from within our own existence. How we choose to embrace our situations and circumstances determines how much happiness we receive. You deserve the luxury of being truly happy. The only way to receive that type of happiness is by first allowing yourself to be truly happy.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog.
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